Christmas Wishes

EBF DelSastre Mi Princesa Roja

To all of you, a happy and merry Christmas! May the stars shine in your eyes and the light in your hearts!

Christmas Wishes 1

Even though Christmas is almost over, here come our Christmas wishes and of course the photos to go with them. In the absence of snow, we moved the Christmas photo shoot into the stable. We made a beautiful photo background from a few lengths of black fabric and some fairy lights. The fabric was a leftover from an horse expo we attended way back in 2007. Since then it has been in the attic and fortunately the moths did not have a go at it. It’s sometimes a good thing when you keep (almost) everything ;-).

Christmas Wishes 2
Christmas Wishes 3

The gorgeous “show collars” are handmade by a mini breeder in the Netherlands. They are beautifully crafted, decorated with beads and feathers and even have a small string of fairy lights. I think I’ll have to buy another one in a different color next year, they are just so pretty!

Christina brought the red Christmas bonnets along. She also took the beautiful photos. If you would like to have beautiful photos of your mini horses, large horses, dogs or other animals as well, just get in touch with her at

Christmas Wishes 4

We wish all friends and acquaintances happy holidays and all the best for the new year. We don’t have big plans for 2023 yet. As far as the shows are concerned, it will probably be a quiet year for us for the time being. If everything goes as planned, an outside stallion will come on lease to us for a while and hopefully we will have some mini horse foals in 2024 :-).